Divide and Conquer

PDF Version : Anderson_WEEKLY_150418

As we write, a memorial service just occurred for the pastor of the FWB church in the Abobo region of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The Lord chose to heal his cancer which was discovered last year by giving him an incorruptable body in heaven. Pastor Assebian Badou leaves behind a beloved wife, young children, and a congregation that grieves his absence. He always exemplified a great passion to reach the unsaved of Abobo.

We as a couple are practicing the art of “dividing and conquering” for a few weeks. Verlin’s travels have and will take him to North Carolina, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Florida. Debbie flies to Arizona in a week for 5 days of conference, and then drives to Idaho from there. That part of the USA is new territory for her to travel. Please pray for traveling mercies for us both.

This week we also want to thank the Lord for the encouraging number of individuals and churches who have recently committed to become regular ministry partners, for friends who have received us warmly in their homes, for the stranger who provided a free oil change, and for the friend who provided a week of hotel lodging for Debbie to attend the International Wholistic Missions Conference. All of these blessings are not for our sake, but so that we, in turn, can share His saving health among the nations (Psalm 67)! Thanks for your part in making that possible.

Your partners in the gospel,
Verlin and Debbie

The Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is a mission of dedicated medical professionals who participate in the CHE Global Network. Together, in a loose affiliation of individuals, churches, denominational and nondenominational agencies, we share God's Light and Truth through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). Unless rescinded, the network includes FWBIM. See Wholistic Missions for timely and timeless missional topics to be addressed at this month’s U.S. interagency conference. If you attend, you may find that God has ways you can do similar good works contextualized for the U.S.

Last written Anderson WEEKLY 150411
Last video Anderson WEEKLY 150404
PDF of 2014 4Q Report: Anderson_Report_15_02_21
PDF of 2015 Budget : CHSC-0118_ANDERSON-Budget_2015
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